Typical Day

Our Schedule:
- 8:00- We wake up
- 8:00-8:30- My munchkins have free time.
- 8:30-9:00- Eat breakfast and get ready
- 9:00-12:00- Schoolwork
- 12:00- Lunch
- The rest of the day is for playing, chores, and doing activities.
- On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights my kids go to Taekwondo.
Now just because I have a set schedule doesn’t mean I follow it to a T. Most days we don’t start school until about 9:30 and we usually finish up our schooling before noon. That is what is so great about homeschooling, we can just make it work for us.
For example, today my daughter woke up and went on her computer and my son read his book about wolves. Then they ate breakfast and got ready for the day. When they start their assignments they are able to choose what order they want to do their work, except Science or Social Studies because they do those together. My daughter plugged away on her assignments and got done around 11:00. My son on the other hand, got engrossed in his Language Arts work because he is currently working on creating his own dragon world using the book, Wings of Fire: Forge Your Dragon World. So, he didn’t get done with everything until about noon. Then, they got dressed up in ninja costumes while they were waiting for lunch to be ready. After lunch, we completed our science lesson from Mystery Science. We did a lesson about the food chain, this took about an hour because they enjoyed the food chain game that went along with the lesson. After science, they had a ninja dance party while I worked on laundry and did the dishes. The rest of the day will be for playing, eating supper, and going to taekwondo.
This is a typical day for us but it looks different for all homeschool families. Last week, we were able to go to West Yellowstone for a week to snowmobile with friends. Before I started homeschooling, we used to go during Christmas Break and the snow isn’t always the best out there during that time. Taking off a week when I was a teacher was hard because creating sub plans and being away from the classroom was always difficult and I felt guilty. I also felt bad pulling the kids out of school for that long. Now, we can just pick up and go without any guilt. While we were there, my kids just had to read everyday and practice their math facts.
We try to get out at least once a week and that can be something as simple as going to the local library or something more involved like taking a tour of a dairy farm. We keep it pretty simple and I don’t stress out if I don’t get something done on the day I planned it. We do what works for us and that’s that.
If you homeschool, how does your day look different compared to ours? If you were homeschooled, did you enjoy it?