Getting Out of the House My goal each week is to try and get out of the house doing something with my kids at least once. We do schoolwork 4 days a week and leave one day open for getting out. Some of our more common outings are the local libraries, parks, walking trail, eating…
3/3/2025- Hot Summer Days in July 2020
Hot Summer Days After the footings were poured, the next step was to pour and waterproof the foundation wall, backfill, and add rock. We also finished installing the piping to the septic, which was started when we were prepping the footings, and added drain tile. This step was pretty grueling because we did it in…
2/22/2025- Planning this Year’s Garden
Planning the Garden Last night I started the planning process for my garden. I gathered all of my materials, seeds, notebook, The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook, Companion Planting Chart, Spring Indoor Seed Starting Schedule, my computer, and a pencil. Then I look at what I grew last year and add it to my list this…
2/18/2025- A Typical Day for Us
Typical Day Our Schedule: Now just because I have a set schedule doesn’t mean I follow it to a T. Most days we don’t start school until about 9:30 and we usually finish up our schooling before noon. That is what is so great about homeschooling, we can just make it work for us. For…
2/4/2025- “These are a few of my favorite things….. for gardening!”
My Favorite Garden Tools Gardening season is quickly approaching so I wanted to share what my favorite tools are to get the job done! Enjoy! Thank you for reading! If you’re a gardener, is there anything you can’t live without?
1/27/2025- Prepping the Footings
Prepping the Footings In the hot summer sun of June 2020, we started working on the footings. We had a family friend do the excavator work and the family jumped in and helped form the footings. The funniest and the most frustrating memory I have about this step of the building process was figuring out…
1/24/2025-Choosing a Curriculum
Choosing a Curriculum This was a daunting task because there are a plethora of curriculums out there for homeschooling. When I started to dive in I found that the majority of curriculums were Christian based. I wanted secular, or non-religious materials. I was also looking for materials that would work for both 2nd grade and…